Welcome to "Poetry by Lorene."

Within these pages are mostly Christian Poems

The Author of these poems is my Mother, written by my Mother, Lorene Ellington, from 1999 to 2003 when she was in her 80's. The words are things that she believes in; spoken from her heart.

She was born three minutes before her twin sister, Irene.
They have no middle name. My grandmother said two names were enough to pick out at one time.

They are very close and although some people say they can't tell them apart, I never thought they looked that much the same.

In her 91 years she has raised one son and five daughters, by three different husbands, the last two of which she took care of and nursed during their last days on this earth.

She worked very hard as a domestic worker, so we would have the things we needed. She brought us up to love God, always praise Him and never forget to pray.

She has endured many heartaches and pains, but with the love of God, she is a survivor. I love her very much and I am proud she is my mother.

She has always dabbled in poems,
but never kept them. When I started a web site, I asked her to write some poems for me. She wrote a few the first couple of years.

Then I asked her to write some poems of animals and things that children would like for my site and she started writing more.

When my site reached it's allotted space, I started her a site, then she wrote more, mostly Christian poetry.

To keep them and let others enjoy them, I created a web site for her on geocities.com. Now that they are closing, I am moving it here - April 30, 2009

Be sure to check back often to see new pages.



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